Environmental vs. Development Interests

And now something completely different: Sanusha (see previous post) told me that a substantial share of South African wines have been exported to Great Britain. Very recently the major importers in Great Britain have decided that they would like t…

Some Chinese in Jo’burg

Fascinating how much the local conditions for Chinese economic sojourners differ from one place to another in Africa and how similar the strategies and practices of the Chinese are regardless of these place based differences. Johannesburg probably…

Travelling light

Es ist halb zw??lf, und ich sitze seit einer halben Stunde in der etwas unterk??hlten Ankunftshalle des Flughafens Johannesburg. Meine Doppelpremiere – ??quator??berquerung und Airbus A 380 – h??tte ich mir anders vorgestellt. Nach einer Stunde am…